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May 30, 2010
May 29, 2010
Garden Journal - Succulent Closeup!
May 28, 2010
May 26, 2010
Garden Journal - Purple Iris!
May 24, 2010
Garden Journal - Lightning Bugs!
The first lightning bug arrived at Highspire this evening! He landed right on my hand...but hurried on his way to light up the night!
May 22, 2010
May 20, 2010
May 19, 2010
Morgan County Flag Contest!
May 18, 2010
My Brother Todd featured in the Frederick News-Post!
Shoelaces, blisters not a problem for barefoot runner
Originally published May 16, 2010 - Frederick News-Post
Todd Byers didn't have to worry about his shoes coming unlaced May 2 (2010) at the Frederick Marathon. The Long Beach, Calif., runner ran the course barefoot, as he has run 84 other marathons since 2004.
Byers, 46, did not go barefoot as a result of Christopher McDougall's bestselling book "Born to Run," about a group of people in a remote section of Mexico who run hundreds of miles either barefoot or with simple sandals strapped to their feet.
He did not do it as a result of the wave of runners who are sampling what has become a running trend.
Rather, Byers has been running barefoot since 2004. He runs barefoot because a friend and fellow runner, Ken Thackston, suggested he try it. "I never had problems," Byers said. "I like it better, as opposed to having to do it."
Byers also likes running the Frederick Marathon. He's a running coach who grew up in Berkeley Springs, W.Va. His twin sister, Tina, suggested he do it a few years ago, and he found he liked it. "It's what I consider my hometown marathon," he said. "It's an excellent event, and I decided to keep coming back."
Byers runs one or two marathons a month. Among his 266 marathons are marathons run in the three-hour range, but he mostly prefers to enjoy his marathons. He ran the Frederick Marathon in six hours. "Frederick is a very beautiful course," he said. "I even heard other people comment on that."
Byers approaches barefoot running with the same laid-back attitude. "I like it better," he said. "It's a choice, because I think it's better for me."
He says it's more important for runners to focus on their form. "I teach people how to run properly," he said. "Once you have the basics, if you choose to wear shoes, it's up to you."
Byers encourages a style of running similar to chi running (pronounced chee). "I've worked with Danny Dreyer," he said, referring to the author of "Chi Running," which suggests runners use their stronger core muscles to do most of the work in running.
"It is a method of pose running," he said. "It's all about trying to run based on how your body was designed."
The body may have been designed to run using the core, but it's not intuitive, he said. "You're designed for it, but you just have to use the tools."
Running barefoot doesn't mean you'll immediately get the right form, he said. "Using proper form with or without shoes is what makes it less tiring," he said. He advocates a pelvic tilt forward, along with a gravitational lean, similar to that in chi running.
"One of my pet peeves is hearing scuffing late in a marathon," he said. That can happen whether a runner is barefoot or not, only the barefoot runner will feel it a little more. Still, that late-race shuffle happens because a runner is not using his or her core, and is letting the legs and feet drag.
For those who want to learn how to run without shoes, Byers said it takes a change in attitude. "You have immediate feedback," he said. Barefoot runners do not keep their feet on the ground long enough to feel stones, glass or other impediments. "If you scuff your foot running, you have immediate feedback," he said. "You know you did something wrong. I move quickly to avoid any sort of injury." Yoga is usually done without shoes, and that's to properly balance the body, he said.
Byers also does trail running without shoes. But in Hawaii, where he volunteered at the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, he did not go shoeless across the lava fields. "We all have our limitations," he said. "I'm not out to prove a point. Shoes are tools."
His feet are not like leather. "You start to become more sensitive," he said. "You also learn to touch the ground lightly."
Socks and minimalist shoes, including the new Vibram Five Fingers that are selling rapidly, are like security blankets, he said. That's not a bad thing, he added.
"What's the first thing you do at the end of a marathon?" he asked. Take your shoes off, he is often told. "Even my feet will be tender at the end of a marathon. What I don't have is blisters." There's nothing for his feet to rub against.
He runs barefoot through California winters and has run barefoot in snow, but not in extreme cold. He said feet eventually warm up.
Barefoot running means no callouses. Runners who run in shoes should be proud of their callouses, but without shoes to rub against, the callouses disappear.
Byers said his feet are tough, but not rough. Even at airports, Byers said his feet are noticed. "I've had the TSA people say you have good looking feet," he said with a laugh.
In barefoot-friendly Southern California, he doesn't wear shoes often. If shoes are required, he'll wear them. "I try and respect the custom," he said. "In other cultures, it's a sign of respect to take your shoes off."
Byers plans to return to Frederick next year. In addition to his twin sister, he brings other friends who run the 5K and the half-marathon. "It's an excellent, well-run event," he said.
May 17, 2010
May 16, 2010
Garden Journal - First 2010 "Open Garden Day"!
Today is the first Highspire Gardens "Open Garden Day" for 2010! The rhododendron looks terrific near the Main Fountain! See the entire 2010 "Open Garden Day" schedule on the home page at http://www.HighspireGardens.com
May 15, 2010
May 14, 2010
Garden Journal - New Arrival!
May 12, 2010
May 10, 2010
May 8, 2010
Garden Journal - Last Day of Master Gardeners' Garden Tour
Yesterday 53 people viewed Highspire Gardens during the first day of the Master Gardeners' Tour!
Today, despite winds occasionally in the 40+mph range, 37 folks visited. To be fair, I didn't count "repeat visitors" -- but it is always a thrill when folks who visited yesterday come back ... with their friends and families in tow!
In celebration of the event, "Mary Rose" near the Main Fountain is in her full glory!
May 7, 2010
Garden Journal - Master Gardeners' Garden Tour
May 3, 2010
May 2, 2010
Todd Runs His 266th Marathon!!
May 1, 2010
Frederick 5K!
Again this year, Todd starting his morning by running the Winchester Apple Blossom 10K and finishes his evening running the Frederick 5K! See Todd in the blue shorts? (front and center) Just "a little warm-up" before tomorrow's Frederick Marathon!
Below, Todd and Tina celebrate post-race in the infield of the Frederick Fairgrounds.
April 26, 2010
Lucy's Today Show Video!
April 24, 2010
Lucy and Tina attend the "Bark for Life"
April 22, 2010
April 13, 2010
March 20, 2010
Lucy & Tina at the Chantilly Super Pet Expo!
March 19, 2010
September 2, 2009
Courthouse - The Clock Tower's First Night!
June 21, 2009
Garden Journal - In Front of Highspire
The roses along the stone wall in front of Highspire continue to look fabulous as the first real heat of summer begins! Miss Lua is certainly keeping a wary eye on something -- what could it be??
Ah yes ... The Streetscape construction in front of Highspire (at least the Department of Highways portion of it) is now underway in earnest. DOH is moving drainage grates, installing the "on street" side of the curbs and repaving once the curbs are in place. Here DOH has replaced a pipe across Wilkes Street at the corner of Independence Street. I'm saving lots of money on alarm clock batteries since the DOH jackhammers start promptly each morning at 7:15 am.
June 20, 2009
Animal Transport - Huntington WV to Hagerstown MD
What more appropriate way to celebrate West Virginia's Birthday than by driving the whole way across West Virginia and back in one day!
Today I left Berkeley Springs (in the Eastern Panhandle) in the early morning to drive a Special Medical Transport from Huntington, West Virginia (on the western side of WV at the Kentucky & Ohio border) back east to Hagerstown, Maryland.
My passenger is a quadriplegic Yorkie puppy named "Gizzmoe". He is 7 months old and was paralyzed by spinal injury suffered after jumping off a bed. Gizzmoe weighs less than 4 pounds and is a very sick fellow; however, despite his serious condition, Gizzmoe gave me some kisses!! Gizzmoe will be hospitalized in Pennsylvania to see if the doctors can help him. If Gizzmoe's condition can be stablized and he can have a good quality of life, I will adopt Gizzmoe and he will join the Yorkies of Highspire!After I transferred Gizzmoe to his hospital driver and I was preparing to leave, another northbound dog transport pulled into the parking lot. That driver recognized me from other transports and we ended up walking her dogs together before they continued northward to their overnight. This coonhound puppy is headed to Rescue in New England!
June 19, 2009
June 16, 2009
Muffin -- Mommie's Little (Office) Helper!
Little Muffin is feeling good and came to the office to "help" me again today! He is holding down C.C.'s pillow very, very well!
At the end of his exhausting day, Muffin was ready to go home! Can you see him?? Look re-e-eally closely at the bottom of the doorway! :) Note: In most browsers, if you "left click" on the photo for a closeup, you can see Muffin's totally impatient "hurry up already!" grumpy face -- it's adorable!
June 15, 2009
June 13, 2009
A "PupLuck Picnic"!
Today Gabby, Liah, Muffin (at left) and I drove to New Jersey to attend a "PupLuck Picnic" for Rescue Me! Yorkie Rescue! The invitees included folks who have adopted Yorkies from Rescue Me! and their Yorkies (of course!) Approximately 70 people and 90 Yorkies were in attendance! The furkids were exhausted from all the excitement of the day and slept the entire ride home.
June 12, 2009
June 11, 2009
Garden Journal - Clear Spring Garden Club
June 10, 2009
Garden Journal - North End Garden Club
June 8, 2009
June 7, 2009
Garden Journal - Front Wall Roses!
June 6, 2009
Garden Journal - Lightning Bugs!
This evening the first lightning bugs were flickering around Highspire! I love when they land on my hand and then walk up my fingertip to take off!
June 5, 2009
Courthouse - Walls & Insulation
Most of the construction on the Courthouse last month was not readily visible from outside, but this week the exterior walls began to take shape on the Ground Floor. You can see the outline of some of the front first floor windows now. Also, some gray insulation was blown onto the raw steel beams on the Ground Floor.