Animal Transport - Huntington WV to Hagerstown MD
What more appropriate way to celebrate West Virginia's Birthday than by driving the whole way across West Virginia and back in one day!
Today I left Berkeley Springs (in the Eastern Panhandle) in the early morning to drive a Special Medical Transport from Huntington, West Virginia (on the western side of WV at the Kentucky & Ohio border) back east to Hagerstown, Maryland.
My passenger is a quadriplegic Yorkie puppy named "Gizzmoe". He is 7 months old and was paralyzed by spinal injury suffered after jumping off a bed. Gizzmoe weighs less than 4 pounds and is a very sick fellow; however, despite his serious condition, Gizzmoe gave me some kisses!! Gizzmoe will be hospitalized in Pennsylvania to see if the doctors can help him. If Gizzmoe's condition can be stablized and he can have a good quality of life, I will adopt Gizzmoe and he will join the Yorkies of Highspire!After I transferred Gizzmoe to his hospital driver and I was preparing to leave, another northbound dog transport pulled into the parking lot. That driver recognized me from other transports and we ended up walking her dogs together before they continued northward to their overnight. This coonhound puppy is headed to Rescue in New England!