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September 2, 2008

Tashia's Freedom Day!

Today is the one year anniversary of the Rescue Me! Yorkie Rescue Labor Day transport which freed 14 Yorkies (including my darling Tashia!) from slavery in an Arkansas puppy mill. One year ago was the first day that any of those dogs (some up to 6 or 7 years old) had ever seen the sky or walked on grass or felt sunshine on their face. Every one of them was terrified as they left Arkansas on my transport and headed up North toward their New Lives!

Now look at my brave, sweet Tashia one year later. She is standing in the grass, completely comfortable in the sunshine -- and striking a Noble Pose to boot!

Tashia was four years old when she was freed, but I'll never know her exact birthday. No worries!...I've designated Tashia's "Freedom Day" as her "Birthday" too so we'll always have occasion to remember and celebrate her arrival! So....Happy Birthday
(and Happy Freedom Day!) to you, my little Tashia!!

Click here to see my video of the 2007 Rescue Me! Labor Day transport.